Jonathan Dickinson
The cacique (“cas-see-key,” chief/king) let them live and took them to the Jupiter Inlet where they spent many a sleepless night at what is today DuBois Park. The Jobe plundered the Reformation of goods while Dickinson observed,
“On the other side was the Indian town, being little wigwams made of small poles stuck in the ground, which they bended one to another, making an arch, and covered them with thatch of small palmetto-leaves.”
Jonathan Dickinson recorded the arduous and life-threatening journey he and his companions made from Jupiter Inlet north to St. Augustine. Dickinson gives a personal account of the customs of the Jobe and other Florida Native Indians and his writing, although biased, remains a significant Contact Period reference. Jonathan Dickinson, later mayor of Philadelphia, eventually braved more sea voyages between Jamaica and Philadelphia without incident. His Journal is still in print 300 years later and is available today in the museum Gift Shop.

The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum is operated by the Loxahatchee River Historical Society, managing partner in the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area.
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© Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum | 500 Captain Armour's Way, Jupiter, FL 33469